Our Work
Making Connections provides community-based Wellbeing Supports for people over 65.
“Ageing is inevitable – loneliness doesn’t have to be.”
With the support of a large team of trained and vetted volunteers we empower older people to stay healthy and socially connected in the community.
Individualised Support Plans
- Regular visits for social interaction at home/ café (befriending)
- Buddy support to link with community activities (e.g. class, event)
- Telephone support calls
- Walking companions
- Assistance to use digital devices
- Signposting/Information provision
Group Activities
- Walk & Talk Programme
- Social Walking Programme
- Social Events Programme
A Collaborative Approach
We work in partnership with HSE, local government, and other local agencies.
Making Connections is an active member of the Dlr Age Friendly Alliance and lead partner for the implementation of the next 5 Year Strategy.
Deep human connection is the purpose and the result of a meaningful life – and it will inspire the most amazing acts of love, generosity and humanity.
Making Connections accepts referrals for people over 65 in Dublin South
We offer a wide range of opportunities from Befriending, to professional volunteering
Support Us
Our work relies on generosity of our supporters and donors